My Blog

November 1, 2016

To Remove tags removed wordpress

Friendly speaking while using the TinyMCE editor in wordpress this one is the issue it from go to visual to text its removing those tags for […]
February 15, 2016

To Convert MsSQL to MySql
February 8, 2016

Assign Related Products Programmatically In Magento 1.9

$product = Mage::getModel(‘catalog/product’)->loadByAttribute(‘sku’,$products); $data = ”; $relatedData = $product->getRelatedProductIds(); $insertIt = array(); if(count($relatedData) > 0){ foreach($relatedData as $relatedProduct) { $insertIt[$relatedProduct] = array(‘position’=>0,’qty’=>”) ; } } $insertIt[$pr_id]= […]
December 28, 2015

To Upgrade Meteor Js Version

For to update meteor us version :   Update to the release candidate with: meteor update --release 1.2.0
December 22, 2015

Copy Directory/Folder Using PHP

<?php copydir(“source”,”destination”); echo “done”; function copydir($source,$destination) { if(!is_dir($destination)){ $oldumask = umask(0); mkdir($destination, 01777); // so you get the sticky bit set umask($oldumask); } $dir_handle = @opendir($source) […]
December 22, 2015

Unzip File Using PHP

// assuming is in the same directory as the executing script. $file = ‘’; // get the absolute path to $file $path = pathinfo(realpath($file), PATHINFO_DIRNAME); […]
December 16, 2015

Unzip file using php

// assuming is in the same directory as the executing script. $file = ''; // get the absolute path to $file $path = pathinfo(realpath($file), PATHINFO_DIRNAME); […]
September 14, 2015

Magento How To Get Previous & Next Product Buttons On Product View Page

<?php // Previous and Next product links in product page $_product = $this->getProduct(); if(!$_product->getCategoryIds()) return; // Don’t show Previous and Next if product is not in […]
July 31, 2015

Magento – AheadWorks Blog – Display Blog Posts To CMS Pages

AW Blog is a Magento extension from aheadWorks that is reckoned among the best buzz and word of mouth marketing tips. It not only provides your […]
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